Most connections are meaningless

The average number of connections on LinkedIn for a regular user is 400, (930 if you include companies that can have up to 100 million connections).

 Most executives regularly stay in touch with between 5-10% of their contacts and over 80% of quality job referrals are still made through personal recommendations.

 MyExecLoop focuses on this small, close-knit group of connections via referrals and recommendations. Your meaningful, valued network.

The problem with networking today

Networking takes time

When you think about networking, do you find that you don’t have the time and it never gets prioritised?

It can be overwhelming

The average number of connections on LinkedIn for a regular user is 400, (930 if you include companies that can have up to 100 million connections).

It’s hard work

Self-marketing and networking are hard. Even knowing where to start can be enough to put people off.

The importance of networking

85% of job vacancies are filled via networking

 84% get jobs through ‘weak-tie’ relationships

 73% were hired via a referral from a connection

 70% of jobs are not advertised. Networking is crucial

 41% of professionals don’t have time to network

 25% of professionals who actually network

Sources: LinkedIn, Marketing Expertus, Fisher, Forbes

Existing solutions have issues

  • LinkedIn

    Aggressive advertising and use of algorithms

    Meaningless notifications and emails

    Bloated functionality that makes it hard to do the basics

    Recruiters sending constant, templated requests

  • Facebook Groups

    Lack of control or ownership of your data

    Data used for behavioural targeting

    Aggressive advertising and use of algorithms

    The social side of Facebook makes it unprofessional

  • WhatsApp

    Not legal for professional use

    No profiles or ability to manage groups

    No separation of personal and work life

    No threading or ability to edit/delete messages

  • Slack

    Designed for workflow, not networks

    Focused on productivity, not connection

    Very expensive for communities

    Overly complex and impersonal .

"Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: we know what to do, the hard part is making it a top priority." 

— Herminia Ibarra

MyExecLoop can help